Author Topic: sprinkler types when you set up zones  (Read 10217 times)


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sprinkler types when you set up zones
« on: May 21, 2014, 08:06:40 pm »
When zones are set up there should be away to tell it what type of heads are in the zones.  Reason sprayers give of more water then rotors.  Also soil type but then you would have to go into ET programing which you should incorporate into your software.  Also when you set up a zone you should tell it how much sun is there.  Im a landscaper my clients are looking for this type of system I think yours is great so far but you should really try to get into Et programing I would beta test it for you out here in NJ



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Re: sprinkler types when you set up zones
« Reply #1 on: February 23, 2016, 01:41:04 pm »
This is a really old item, but I'm with john1963.  These suggestions would move BlueSpray up several notches to a new level of sophistication and usability.


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Re: sprinkler types when you set up zones
« Reply #2 on: February 23, 2016, 04:00:05 pm »
We all know weather isn't an exact science.  What Et does is basically uses the weather to guess how much moisture in in the ground.  That's a guess upon a guess and proven not to be reliable.

Localized Et weather data source isn't free.  And even if it is available, chances are the weather stations are miles a way from your home, there is no guarantee that it won't water in the rain.

Another aspect of Et is that it requires lots of data input i.e. soil type, plant type, etc., which most home owners and many contractors don't have answers to. It makes Et hard to use.  Those systems that claim easy Et set up isn't true Et, just another guesser.

If you want to know how much moisture in in the ground, put a moisture sensor in the ground.  This is the direction we're heading for.


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Re: sprinkler types when you set up zones
« Reply #3 on: February 24, 2016, 01:24:36 am »
My sincere apology.  I was agreeing with john1963 about specifying sprinkler type, soil type (and even plant type) more with an eye toward having BlueSpray provide informed feedback on recommendations/suggestions about zone run duration and frequency (you know, somewhat like what you could get out of a RainBird calculator -  I really know next to nothing about EvapoTranspiration, and you are correct... may be too much too fast.