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Bug Reports / Re: 2.2 disables Plus button in History view
« Last post by bluespray_admin on July 17, 2019, 09:44:47 pm »
This issue is fixed in 2.2.1.  Coming soon...
Bug Reports / Re: 2.2 disables Plus button in History view
« Last post by jwrayburn on July 16, 2019, 10:45:21 am »
I have the same issue on the plus sign, and miss this capability.

I didn't keep a copy of file version 2.1.1. Can you direct me as to where I can find this?
Using Google photos worked for me, here's what I did using a Mac but PC should be similar...
1. If you have a Google account go to Google Photos
2. Open another browser window, go to Google maps, look up your address, take a screen shot of the satellite image of your property
3. Go to the folder on your computer where your screen shots are stored and drag the screen shot into a Google Photos shared album
4. From Google Photos, click on your photo, select the "Share" icon upper right, then select "Create a link" at the lower left
5. Create an embed code by going to and pasting your photo link into the box and selecting "Generate Link"
6. Copy the link that appears in the "Direct Link" box at the bottom of the page
7. Open your BlueSpray page. Select the "Lawn View" tab
8. Select the wrench icon in the upper left corner of the lawn image window, which opens the "Lawn Settings" dialogue box
9. For "Lawn Image Preference", select "Use my own image"
10. Paste the embed link you created in the "Image URL" box
11. Hit "OK" and refresh the page
General Discussion / Re: lawn jpg
« Last post by auto_man on June 11, 2019, 06:01:33 am »
I’ve found that using a drone shot of my property is the best representation for the irrigation layout.  I have a drone that makes that easy and not everyone does, but with all the drones around today, friends and neighbors may be able to provide.
General Discussion / Re: Google Maps View
« Last post by auto_man on June 11, 2019, 05:54:51 am »
I use a drone shot of my property.   Much better than using Google Maps.
Feature Request / Re: Soil Moisture Sensor Integration
« Last post by jason on June 05, 2019, 12:51:19 pm »
Any update on this? I'm trying to decide what moisture sensor to use. Would the Hunter Soil-Clik Soil Moisture Sensor work?
General Discussion / Re: If only there was a BlueSpray App...
« Last post by fiddletownrob on May 16, 2019, 01:02:26 pm »
Thanks for your post, I agree wholeheartedly! I'm beginning to wonder if BlueSpray is still in business beyond the web portal. I've been trying to use access via chrome on my Pixel phone, it just locks up chrome or takes forever to respond. I'm sorry to say but I think I'll go order a Rachio controller...
Bug Reports / 2.2 disables Plus button in History view
« Last post by BobS on April 14, 2019, 02:58:35 am »
Clicking the + (plus) button in the History tab no longer does anything after updating the firmware from 2.1.1 to 2.2.

I tested it with several Mac browsers: Safari, Chrome, Chromium and Firefox.

Reverting to firmware 2.1.1 fixed it.
Announcements / ATTENTION: If you have port forwarding for BlueSpray, read on
« Last post by bluespray_admin on February 06, 2019, 08:16:15 pm »
It has come to our attention that some of BlueSpray controllers out there have been accessed by unauthorized personnel.  After a thorough investigation, we've concluded that those systems were accessed via port forwarding at the router which expose the controller to the public.

If you have set up port forwarding to your controller, please turn off the port forwarding service at your router.
As of version 2.x, you no longer need port forwarding in order to access your BlueSpray controller.  You can access it from any where via the cloud now, which is more secure and convenient.  Just log onto your account on our web site.

If for any reason, you still insist on having port forwarding, please at least set up login password for your controller.  Just go to Settings->System and Select Login to "Yes"
Help / Re: API sample code?
« Last post by bluespray_admin on January 27, 2019, 12:07:00 pm »
You might want to email support.  We don't want to show it publicly.
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