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Announcements / BlueSpray Android app is released
« Last post by bluespray_admin on May 20, 2020, 11:28:54 pm »
We're excited to announce the release of our Android app.  You can search for BlueSpray in the Android Play Store and install it.

IOS is coming soon.  It's just a matter of going through Apple's red tapes right now.
General Discussion / Re: Firmware 2.2.2
« Last post by bluespray_admin on February 27, 2020, 08:08:37 pm »
The best way to upgrade is to go to Settings->Administration and click the Download button and let the controller do the rest.

You should not download the firmware file, then upload. That was for going from 1.x to 2.x firmware.
General Discussion / Firmware 2.2.2
« Last post by BobS on February 18, 2020, 06:57:14 pm »
I just noticed that Firmware 2.2.2, dated 10/30/2019, is available for download within the controller's GUI (Settings > Administration).

I'm happy to report that 2.2.2 fixes the bug in 2.2 that I complained of here:

Warning: You cannot download it from <> because that page links to version 2.2 from 2018.
Help / Re: Water cancels Season/ Run Name not run: System suspended...?
« Last post by bluespray_admin on October 04, 2019, 03:56:09 pm »
Your controller was either in Standby or Delay mode at the time.
Help / Water cancels Season/ Run Name not run: System suspended...?
« Last post by zipzit on September 11, 2019, 04:28:42 am »
I'm going thru my logs.  And I see entries like `Water cancels - Summer 5 Days per Week, Drip Irrigation - High Flow not run: System suspended`

Suspended?  What causes that?  If there is a power outage, does system revert to Suspended status?
Help / Re: API sample code?
« Last post by zipzit on September 11, 2019, 04:12:27 am »
hi my friends
im need a matlab sample code about PID design via numeric method.
in the other word,i want to find a method for tuning of pid with optimizing a cost function.this cost functions are error criteriaITAE,ISE,IAE,....
no genetic algorithm
do you help me? 

best regards

this is unusual.  PashOvall, are you in the right forum?  We're talking about wifi enabled sprinkler controllers for watering plants and lawns.

Not quite sure where you are trying to go with this. What are you using these controllers for?   The controller output for a sprinkler system is generally binary on/off. What's to optimize?  I'd be surprised if a single user here touched Matlab or Octave . (okay, python, JS Node, maybe...)

And best practice for good for good communications is to define ALL abbreviations When First Used (WFU) style. 

General Discussion / Blue Spray setup
« Last post by PashOvall on September 10, 2019, 12:34:57 pm »
Series blue has tons of small and big things that are different enough to justify its limited production. Im gonna try my best to keep the car for more than 10 years to see what itll be worth down the road...
Feature Request / Re: Save Config
« Last post by BK on September 09, 2019, 02:39:44 pm »
why not store it locally instead.. let the user create different operations, could decided didn't like configuration B , after saving A, and then can reload in A . This way dont need notes on what one changed.. all would be in the locally saved config file. Also could be an ASCII file , that one could edit instead of using the WYSIWYG, and then just upload it. I would greatly prefer a locally saved config file and the cherry on top would be and ASCII that could be edited and saved as yet another config and uploaded / imported.
General Discussion / FW 2.2.1 ?
« Last post by BK on September 09, 2019, 02:33:31 pm »
So I dont see a post for what FW update 2.2.1 included regarding changes / fixes? TIA
Bug Reports / Re: Rain Sensor Problem
« Last post by bluespray_admin on August 25, 2019, 11:33:33 am »
You have to tell the controller your rain sensor is normally closed or normally open.

You can test the controller's rain sensor port by not having anything connected to the rain sensor terminals.  Configure it as an NO sensor.  Now, short the rain sensor terminals.  If the controller says it's active, it's good.
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