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Messages - bluespray_admin

Pages: 1 ... 12 13 [14] 15 16 ... 22
Help / Re: Pump Controller?
« on: August 15, 2014, 03:49:45 pm »
Perhaps what you'd want is the ability to specify turning on the master valve per zone, but per run or program.  This way, you don't get a checkbox
for every zone, which would clutter up the screen.
For your application, for example, if you want to have the master valve to turn on for zone 1,3, and 5 only, then you'd create a program that runs zones 1,3,5, check the master valve checkbox for this program and it'll only apply to this program.

Feature Request / Re: Ability to clone heads
« on: August 15, 2014, 02:00:21 pm »
Thank you for the suggestion.  We did consider this option, and it would be neat, but since there are many heads per zone, and the controller really does not know or control the individual head, just the valve of the zone.  Another problem is in a larger installation (our controller supports up to 64 zones), having multiple heads per zone would just crowd up the screen, and it would not be very user-friendly.

Help / Re: Pump Controller?
« on: August 15, 2014, 01:54:43 pm »
Yes, it can be done.  It's just that our controller is designed to be a typical controller, tailored to the masses.  It doesn't mean that we can't apply this feature.  We continually want to improve our product and your suggestion will be taken into consideration for future firmware.

Bug Reports / Re: Can no longer access Controller
« on: July 25, 2014, 05:28:29 pm »
Your firmware image may have been corrupted during the transfer.  Please contact our support group for solutions.

Help / Re: New User Question
« on: July 24, 2014, 05:46:16 pm »
Red text on white background is yes.  White text on blue background is no.

General Discussion / Re: Next firmware update
« on: July 22, 2014, 01:52:26 pm »
We're currently working on 1.2.1.  The big feature for 1.2.1 is Water Restriction Compliance.  We're working with various water municipals to convert their Water Restriction rules into data format so that BlueSpray controller can pull down and follow it.

We're about to enter beta.  We have it working for the city of Austin, TX.  So for those of you who are Austin Water's customers, please contact us if you would like to participate.  For those who are not Austin Water's customers but have your own Water Restriction rules to follow and you can't please let us know -

Help / Re: Rain Sensor
« on: July 19, 2014, 10:38:39 pm »
As long as the rain sensor dictates.  The controller just does what the rain sensor tells it.

Feature Request / Re: Ability to permanently lock lawn view
« on: July 17, 2014, 11:05:33 pm »

Bug Reports / Re: icon missing from lawn view
« on: July 17, 2014, 11:05:03 pm »
You probably dragged it off the screen.  Try to locate it by the sides or corner of the screen.  Start a manual run on that zone and see where the spray icon appears.

General Discussion / Re: lawn jpg
« on: July 17, 2014, 11:02:51 pm »
Google map doesn't work for you?
In the age of drone, how about flying on up and snap a hi def pic of your property?

Bug Reports / Re: No Controller(s) Found
« on: July 14, 2014, 01:35:24 pm » is for access within your home network only.  your computer must be on the same network as the controller.

When the controller is part of your private network, it is protected from the outside by your router.  The reason you can't access from remote is the router would block all traffic initiated from the outside, which is its job.
Most routers would allow exceptions to allow outside traffic to a particular host in the network.  This method is called port forwarding.  It is commonly used by games, IP cameras, etc.  Each router does it differently, butt he basic concept is the same.

1. Reserve a static IP address for the controller.
2. Set up port forwarding.  Choose a port number for the external port, have it forwarded to the controller's IP address.
3. (Optional) Register your controller.  When you do, you would have created an account at  Log onto your account and you can get to your controller with one click.  We provide this feature so that you don't have to remember your router's public IP address.

BlueSpray controller listens on multiple ports to help make port forwarding easier: 80/8000 (http), and 443/8443 (https).  You can choose any of these ports as internal port.

Help / Re: Is there a way to determine zone number once renamed
« on: July 05, 2014, 04:57:17 pm »
If you hover your mouse over the zone icon, it should indicate the zone number.

In the user manual, it states that the order of the zones go by top to bottom, left to right.  So on your controller, 1-8 are on the main board (top), lower left is 9-16, lower right is 17-24.

Bug Reports / Re: Complied bug report
« on: June 30, 2014, 04:14:21 pm »
Perhaps your browser was caching and showing 1.2 instead of 1.2-a.

Bug Reports / Re: Controller stuck in a program
« on: June 30, 2014, 04:13:34 pm »
We haven't put in the alert feature, but if there is enough interest, we'll consider it.

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