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Effective Date offset when Run Interval = Skip N Days


In Settings > Schedules > Run Interval, the Effective Date does not work as expected when the run interval is set to Skip N Days.  The Effective Date should be the first day the schedule runs.  Instead, the first run occurs N+1 days after the Effective Date.

That is by design.  The effective date can be thought as day 0, not day 1.

I'm sorry, but that's contrary to the normal dictionary definition of "effective", and it's not what a user expects.  "Effective" means doing something, not starting a clock to do something in N+1 days. 

Why make it so difficult and confusing for the user to specify the date the first watering occurs?  This is a simple user interface oversight that should be trivial to correct, so why stubbornly defend a non-intuitive design error as "by design"?

I was not questioning the logic of counting from 0 instead of 1.

I was requesting that you redefine the Effective Date to be the first watering date of a repeating schedule, regardless of the repetition pattern.  Users who want to create or edit a schedule know the date they want the watering to begin.

If you change the Effective Date per my suggestion, it enables a simple work-around for my other concern regarding the inability to program a Once Only schedule.  A Once Only schedule could be approximated by creating a repeating schedule whose Effective Date is the desired date and whose repetition interval is so large (9999 days) that the 2nd repetition never will happen.

I have located the error. It occurs in a switch-case statement. See attached document. As mentioned it does not come, when run in simulator.


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