Author Topic: Ability to clone heads  (Read 8745 times)


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Ability to clone heads
« on: August 14, 2014, 07:21:47 pm »

I have just received my new Bluespray controller and installed and configured it today. So far so good!

The one thing that I would like to see is the ability to clone the heads for each zone.

To explain what I mean -- in each zone I have several heads. I have used a google maps image of my property as my lawn view. I can place a single head for each zone - but I would like the ability to put all my heads for each zone on the lawn view. For example -- in Zone 1 I have four different heads -- I would like to be able to graphically show each of these heads on the lawn view - such that if I right click on any head I am able to configure the zone.

Perhaps this ability is already in the software and I have missed it? If not - I would find it a great help to be able to look at my lawn view and see all the heads associated with a particular zone -- it gets confusing trying to remember which head is associated with each zone.

If this is already available? Please enlighten me how to use this feature. If this feature is not available in the current software? Please consider this a feature request.

Thank you again for an excellent product that does exactly what I need (well except for my request!)



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Re: Ability to clone heads
« Reply #1 on: August 15, 2014, 02:00:21 pm »
Thank you for the suggestion.  We did consider this option, and it would be neat, but since there are many heads per zone, and the controller really does not know or control the individual head, just the valve of the zone.  Another problem is in a larger installation (our controller supports up to 64 zones), having multiple heads per zone would just crowd up the screen, and it would not be very user-friendly.


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Re: Ability to clone heads
« Reply #2 on: August 17, 2014, 09:07:53 pm »

Fair enough. I understand your explanation for this, but it would still be a nice feature for those of us with large yards and multiple heads per zone. Oh well, it never hurts to ask. Thanks for getting back to me.


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Re: Ability to clone heads
« Reply #3 on: August 18, 2014, 09:24:42 pm »
A quick followup to this post - I found a way to do what I had requested. I just photoshopped all the heads into each zone in my lawn picture. So there is only one head that controls the zone, but I now how have all my heads showing for each zone. It is a bit of crude hack - but it gave me the desired result. I am only posting this for others that might be looking for the same functionality as I was looking for. I cloned all the heads for each zone - but made the master head for the zone larger (graphically)- so it is the head that is obviously the control head for the zone. (I.E. - the largest head is the one that I click on if I wish to make changes to the zone).

Hope this helps anyone else that is looking for similar functionality.

Thanks again Bluespray for an excellent product


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Re: Ability to clone heads
« Reply #4 on: August 19, 2014, 06:30:34 pm »
Excellent idea.
We're monitoring the advance of browser technology closely.  It seems that its direction is HTML5, SVG.  With SVG, you'll possibly have the option of drawing or sketching on the screen.