Techical Discussions > Feature Request

Would like to Change zone run order in a program


I would like to be able to setup a program, and also modify the run order of the zones within that program.  Is there anyway to do this now?   

I don't necessarily want to water each zone in sequential order of all zones added to a program. Sometimes i want to modify the run order so that one area dries out a bit before an overlapping zone waters.  I dont want to have to creat and run multiple programs to create this effect. 

Thank you

You can change the order of the zones by clicking the shuffle icon on lawn view.  This is a top level change, not per program.

By default, all zones in a program are watered sequentially (due to lack of pressure).  If you want to run overlapping run, you would have to create multiple programs.  There isn't a way to change that in one program.


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