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Topics - ballen_01

Pages: [1]
Help / Stacking issue?
« on: September 30, 2018, 10:21:03 pm »
I recently upgraded my firmware to 2.2, and I now am having issues when I am running two programs at once. I am running a pump out of the canal and have to pressurize the line when I start a new program. One program turns on the valve through the pressure switch and a second program starts a minute later and bypasses the pressure switch for two minutes to pressurize the line. This has always worked well in the past. Since the upgrade, when the two minute program is done, everything shuts down, and I have to put the system on standby and back online to get the line to turn back on. It kind of seems like it is stacking the runs, but I have that option set to "No". I hope this makes sense.

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